Thursday, April 9, 2015

Words On A Plate Lead to Sharing Healing Stories

Story Book Wall at Alamogordo (New Mexico) Pub...
Story Book Wall at Alamogordo (New Mexico) Public Library, outside the Children's Library. Dedicated May 1963. Local schoolchildren drew illustrations for their favorite story books and these were transferred to ceramic tiles and baked on. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Books from a very young age, words we could write and read and put up on our own little stage.  Words we knew not the meanings of, we just heard them along the vine.  Words like be kind, whatcha doin and everyone here is doing fine.

Was it the story that was just read or those words said hiding under the bed?  No, we are not afraid, just playing a game with words that you said.  He said, she said.  What does any of it mean?

Stop worrying sleep girl, go to sleep, let your mind whirl.  Take this beautiful story about seagulls and birds, weave it through your dreams, you are safe there.

Nice, when can I learn to read?  In time, sweet child, in time.
Will I ever be able to rhyme?  Every day you do, every day, your sweet little voice is music to my ears.

When it is not.  What then?  Where do we go?  Where do we look?  Here ya go, into these books, with pictures on them, thinking your own words.  What is this?  What is that?  I don't know, go ask a book.  A book cannot talk to me, a book cannot say look and see, yet a book can take the time for me to be, oh that is the name of that tree.  Even if I don't agree with the scientific or Latin words that I have no desire to understand.  They have their place, I don't have to include them.

There it is, in the writing, we have to be able to explain.  We don't like to, don't want to, so then the story teller is much different than the story writer.  How can we be on these pages then and continue to pretend?

We are not pretending when we share.  When we tell you how much we like that book that we just read, that we know how to do quite well.  We are happy and thankful for that.  Mighty, wonderful teachers taught us that.  Tell us what you read in that book, tell us what you saw.  They got a good laugh, not at us, (sorry for the times we thought it was) oh you sweet little one, what a fine way to explain that side of the sun.

How did we know that hot yellow ball up in the corner of the pages were the sun?  You told it to us when you read it.  How did you know it was yellow?  That is the color you read it was from the book you read to us.  Why is the sun not any color?  So that you could tell me what yellow sun looked like to you.

What?  You did not get to see all these brightly colored books with pictures on every page telling you what the word was?  Nope, just black and white on the page and some sort of color that looked kind of green with a very ornate thing that looked like the bright yellow sun in the sky, yet wasn't.

So what in the world does that have to do writers and messengers and books?  Just look, thank you for this place here to tell you about it, and share the fine pictures and stories that have come up to visualize themselves on my left side of spirit and the messages leading from the morning reading for the day.

Now that we have done our reading and writing for the morning, as the sun is coming out, can we go play?  Yes, you may, when your hair is dry enough, when you have had a good breakfast, when you have actually shared some stories and pictures from here and showed us a book we can learn some of these same things from.

Oh does that mean even a book that you wrote?  Yes it does.  What memory just came up?  The one we ran away from.  Which was?  Taking the writing class for the children's books, doing the other one instead, that we gave up on too when it became too hard for us to do.  Why was that?  We didn't know how to ask for the help we needed to do what they asked us to.  Why not?  We don't know, we have never asked.

Now it is time to find a real body beyond cyber space.  Will you help me with that?  Just did.  In taking care of our physical health the oils of nature have come back to us in fresh gardens, fresh honey from the bees, fresh peppermint and lavender springing forth from their happy spots.
We go look to the left, what stories and books do we find there to help us?  We look to the right, above and below.

The miracle of it all leaves us quite overwhelmed.  Where do we fit into this circle of health?  Being introduced to a healthy supply of flower essences in a way that is easy to follow and share.  Do we dare?  Yes, as we trust this path of writing and using longevity products a blending of all our creative books, lead us into a rainbow array of nature knowledge.  We hear you earth mother and we thank you for this path of words leading us to spirit mind and body health.
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